This past summer, I worked for
Lifeway as a Centrikid staffer. Those who had experience working camp
continually told me it would be the best summer ever. They were so right! God
blessed me with an amazing team, an awesome location, and hundreds of children
seeking more of God and who He is. During training we were introduced to the
mission statement for the staffers. One of the points was “Do one more thing”.
This stuck out to me that night and throughout the summer. The focus of this
Centrikidism was to go the extra mile. At the end of the day when you are tired
and worn out, dig into the strength the Lord has blessed you with and seek out
one more thing to do before your head hits the pillow. At camp this meant doing
something that might not have been your job that you knew needed to be done.
Not only did God bless me when I did one more thing, but I truly felt blessed
when I saw other staffers who were worn out do tasks without hesitating.
Since being
out of the camp world I have to confess, I haven’t really used this idea in
reality. I want that to change. I want to bring glory to His name by loving
others. On those days when I want to just go to bed and sleep away the night I
want to desire to call on the name of the Lord and do that one more thing. This
month I want to serve others more than I want to. I will be honest and say I am
a selfish person. Last summer there was no time for selfishness. I want to
carry that into reality. This month I want to meditate on Philippians 2:3-4. My
prayer is that I humble myself; I seek the Lord, and put others before myself
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